Ventajas y desventajas de un relé de enclavamiento 80a

Actualizar:Aug 16,2023
Resumen: Un relé de enclavamiento 80a es un interruptor eléctrico que permite que una señal de control de baja potencia controle un circuito d......
Un relé de enclavamiento 80a es un interruptor eléctrico que permite que una señal de control de baja potencia controle un circuito de alta potencia. Puede usarse para hacer o romper el contacto entre dos terminales o puede cambiar la ruta actual en un circuito. Los relés de enclavamiento son útiles porque no requieren una fuente de alimentación constante como lo hacen otros tipos de interruptores. Este artículo discutirá cómo funcionan, sus ventajas y desventajas, así como también brindará una descripción general de los diferentes tipos de relés de enclavamiento disponibles.

Un relé consta de un núcleo de hierro sostenido en un marco o yugo, del cual se envuelve una bobina de cobre. The ends of the coil are connected to an armature that is hinged. When the coil is energized, it creates a magnetic field that pushes the armature down onto one of the contact terminals. When this occurs the high current circuit is switched on & the relay is said to be in its 'on' position. When the coil is de-energized, the armature springs back to its 'at rest' position & breaks the contact circuit.

Once the armature is in its 'on' position the relay contacts are locked, but this can only be done if an on button is pushed. An off button is normally closed & in parallel with the coil, if this is pressed, it interrupts the always-on supply of power to the coil & the relay is turned off. An on/off switch can then be plugged into the relay terminals to turn it on or off again.

Otra ventaja de un relé de enclavamiento es que no produce el zumbido que producen los relés de no enclavamiento cuando se mantienen activados durante demasiado tiempo. Esto lo hace ideal para usar con equipos electrónicos que requieren bajos niveles de ruido.

Los relés de enclavamiento también requieren menos espacio en un circuito que otros tipos de interruptores eléctricos. This can be helpful if you need to fit a large amount of switching in a small space or in a tight application where there is little room for error. This type of relay can be used for a wide variety of applications, including centralized meter reading systems & IC card prepayment meters.

The main benefit of a 80a magnetic latching relay is that it does not need a continuous current source to operate. This can be important in some applications where the power supply needs to remain on for a long period of time, such as battery chargers or alarms. Latching relays have a very long mechanical life & are extremely reliable. They are also very quiet to operate.

A common use for a relay is to control lighting through various push buttons. This can save a lot of space as it is possible to control many more lights than can be controlled with crossbar switches. In addition, a relay's coil only consumes power during the switching action & does not need a constant supply of electricity, which can save power consumption in the lighting circuit.